Tried to get some meteors aswell but none came out on camera but we saw some right stunners.
Read up astro photography leading up to it and settings were as follows:
Overall photo made up of 3 vertical sections stitched together each comprising of 4 photos taken at 25 seconds each @ f/4, ISO 3200 then stacked & lined up so as not to show trails (trail attempt gonna do soon) and “lighten” used in PS on each layer. Then the base image was 2 minutes @ f/4, ISO 3200 ( will remember to take big torch next time to paint the cliffs in on a shorter exposure) then comped in on PS.
Orange clouds are light pollution from I’d imagine the top coast of Devon, also had a lighthouse from Lundy on the image but cloned it out.
…my next attempt at night shots will be star trails. Subscribe at the top right, to keep up-to-date on the latest photos & location diaries.
Photo taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark II & 17-40mm f/4L